For decades, fans of big government have used climate change warnings to grow their power…They have claimed we’re near the edge of a climate cliff — a prediction they know is impossible to prove, and has never come true.”
“As a conservative, I believe in protecting our environment, conserving our natural resources, and doing what we can to make sure Americans live in a clean, safe environment in communities that will last for generations to come.”
“I am calling for commonsense solutions: let American companies produce more energy, recognize the benefits of clean energy like natural gas and nuclear, and stop scaring people into depression by warning of a great climate extinction.”
WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) took to the Senate floor today to rebuke hyperbolic climate alarmism and promote the production of American energy, which is significantly cleaner than the majority of notable energy producers in the world. In his latest speech, Senator Tuberville explained that Americans should not be incorrectly blamed for a global problem, and warned against hysterical climate claims based on assumption and debated projections. Instead, says Senator Tuberville, the United States should expand domestic energy production to support our economy and lower energy costs for American families.
Excerpts from Senator Tuberville’s speech can be found below, and his full remarks can be viewed here.

“We should be doing everything we can to fix the problems created by the government, and get Americans back on their feet by unleashing our economic potential and opening doors of opportunity. Unfortunately, too many here in Washington are still focused on growing the size of government and adding regulations they say will save the environment. However, very rarely does making the government larger benefit the American taxpayers.”
“For decades, fans of big government have used climate change warnings to grow their power…They have claimed we’re near the edge of a climate cliff — a prediction they know is impossible to prove, and has never come true. Of course, they claim, the only solution to this cooked-up crisis is for you — the American taxpayer — to sacrifice even more of your freedoms to tackle this so-called climate dilemma.”
“Well, I think I speak for most Americans when [I] say, ‘no way.’ We should say no to overpriced electric cars that are made with cobalt processed and sold by China — and plugged into a charger that’s powered by fossil fuels anyway…No to fake meat products that taste as bad as their price, and will eventually kill our livestock producers’ way of life…We say no to unreliable energy sources and the skyrocketing utility bills we’re seeing today, because America cannot operate and achieve economic success without fossil fuels… And no to trillions and trillions of taxpayer dollars spent on an agenda that’s based only on the rantings of failed candidates like Al Gore and John Kerry, global elites at a ski resort, and a European teenager.”
“For standing here on the Senate floor calling this out, some may call me a climate change denier, so I want to be clear. As a conservative, I believe in protecting our environment, conserving our natural resources, and doing what we can to make sure Americans live in a clean, safe environment in communities that will last for generations to come. But I do not believe that we need to give up our livelihoods, our way of life, our access to affordable food and energy because of false claims that we are years — just a few years away — from extinction…Instead, I believe we should be investing heavily in American energy production because we already produce some of the cleanest energy on the face of the Earth. And giving up our cars, our farms, and our affordable gas prices will do nothing to stop the changing climate.”
“We have to be able to do two things at once: Help our economy thrive and promote innovation that leads to cleaner energy production. We can do two things at one time. But a cult-like obsession with climate alarmism is making us weaker and poorer in the name of a problem created by politicians…I am calling for commonsense solutions: let American companies produce more energy, recognize the benefits of clean energy like natural gas and nuclear, and stop scaring people into depression by warning of a great climate extinction.”
“…if we keep our energy policies woke, we’re going to go broke…But if we unleash domestic production, we can produce clean energy. We can make it more affordable and we can make life a lot simpler and better for the American people — and also our allies.”
Senator Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs, and HELP Committees.