WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) joined Fox Business’ ‘Mornings with Maria’ to discuss the upcoming congressional hearings about the Biden Administration’s botched departure from Afghanistan. Last week, Senator Tuberville led the charge to call for hearings from senior military officials, including Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, among others.
Excerpts from Senator Tuberville’s interview can be found below, and the full interview can be found here.

On the Upcoming Congressional Hearings on Afghanistan:
TUBERVILLE: “Well, it’s time for show and tell on Capitol Hill, Maria. The damage has been done. That’s usually what happens when it gets to us [Congress] – we’re oversight, and we get the opportunity to bring in whoever to ask them the direct questions.”
“… I sent a letter last week to Chairman Reed on the Armed Services Committee about – hey, we need the generals, the people that actually know what’s going on. So, we’ll have them probably next week. We need to ask them the tough questions. We need to know whether this was a military decision from the generals on up or was it just a political decision from the State Department. It’s been botched from day one; we have to have answers.”
On the Biden Administration Giving Up Bagram Air Force Base:
TUBERVILLE: “I asked the same question in a hearing about three months ago to some of our generals. I said ‘If we move out of Bagram, where’s our nearest base?’ Our nearest base is Qatar, it’s a five- or six-hour flight to get to Bagram. That makes no sense. We just gave up all of our security in the Middle East, China, Pakistan. It’s going to be a haven for terrorists.”
Senator Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs, and HELP Committees.