ICYMI: Tuberville Reacts to Kamala Harris’ Failure to Answer for Failed Border Policies

“The only thing that we learned was how obsessed—absolutely obsessed—she was with Donald Trump”

WASHINGTON – Yesterday,U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business Network to discuss Kamala Harris’ failure to answer for her failed immigration policies during Wednesday night’s interview with Bret Baier. 

Excerpts from Senator Tuberville’s interview can be found below, and his full interview can be found on YouTube or Rumble.

KUDLOW: “For more from the great Bret Baier interview, we have Senator Tommy Tuberville of the great State of Alabama. Senator Tuberville, as always sir, welcome. I just wanna—we’re going to play a couple quick clips for you, but I assume you saw it or saw part of this interview. One of the most disturbing parts I think to me is she lost her cool. There is a temperament thing that you always look for in presidential candidates no matter how hot it may be in the kitchen, you’re supposed to keep your cool. And I think she lost her cool. I think she blew up basically at Bret Baier last night. I don’t know if you see it the same way or—you’ve been around these things for a long time—or do you have a different take?”

TUBERVILLE: “No, I totally agree with you, Larry. She came across last night like a ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend,’ and the only thing that we learned was how obsessed—absolutely obsessed—she was with Donald Trump. There were no policies. I listened to everything she said about immigration, and I’ve been going through all this for four years in the Senate and listened to all these lies—things [they have] supposedly done. There wasn’t one true thing she said about immigration, and I think she’s just totally out of touch. She tries to listen to everybody on her side about ‘Hey listen, try to switch everything back to Donald Trump. Don’t say anything. Blame him, play the blame game.’ Again, it’s not going to work.”

KUDLOW: “Yeah, here comes a clip. This is early in the interview—regarding the number of migrants released into the U.S. Roll some tape. Take a listen please, sir.” […]

“So, that’s very odd. She just wouldn’t deal—Bret’s asking it six different ways—she just didn’t want to deal with it at all. And, I want to just read you a quote from Alejandro Mayorkas, obviously Homeland Security Secretary, March 21st, so just barely in office—QUOTE, ‘We are dedicated to achieving and quite frankly working around the clock to replace the cruelty of the past administration. The cruelty of the past administration with a orderly, humane, and safe immigration process,’ END QUOTE. That was right at the time that they canceled all 94 executive orders that former President Trump had issued. Now, those are factoids. I’m not making this stuff up. I’m not making the quote up. And I’m not making up the cancellation of 94 executive orders, and at least ten million illegals have come across the line, probably more than that. So, she has to—it seems to me no matter how patriotic she is against Mr. Trump—she still has to deal with these facts that are seemingly so unpopular in this election, Senator?”

TUBERVILLE: “Well, she’s not gone by any facts, Larry, ever since she’s been running for this office for what, 60, 65 days. They’ve told her, ‘Don’t give any numbers out. Don’t talk about any numbers. Just flip everything back to Donald Trump, about how all these problems were happening before they took office.’ They created these problems. I went to the border in March of 2021 right after they took over and Ted Cruz and myself, along with Mike Lee, we went down and we looked at these cages that they had all these kids in that were just absolutely stacked up like Cordwood. They care nothing about these kids. Mayorkas, Kamala Harris, and Joe Biden, have lied to the American people, Larry, for the last three and a half years. It has been an absolute disgrace. And […] going back to what you talked about in the previous segment about this demonstrator being killed. We should be in DEFCON ONE because they have let people in this country that are terrorists in the last three and a half years. And the American people are in trouble because of this.”

KUDLOW: “Yeah. Let me play—here’s some more about reversing Trump border policies, senator. Let’s just take a listen, please.” […]

“See, this one baffles me because the bill that she’s talking about, as Bret Baier explained, but she, I guess, […] didn’t wanna listen or maybe she already knew. That wasn’t a bill to close the border. That was a bill to open the border and expand citizenship rolls. And even her own party, which had three houses at that point, was not in favor of it. I mean, that’s just, I don’t know, untruthful cognitive dissonance. I don’t know what the polite phrase is, Senator Tuberville, but she sure wasn’t speaking the truth.”

TUBERVILLE: “No. She lied about that. And I don’t think she really knew what was going on when she first went in. I don’t think she was too much around the things that were happening, especially what was going on in the Senate, Larry, but there was no bill. You have to remember it’s like Bret Baier said, they had the House and the Senate and the White House. They could have done anything they wanted—brought it to the floor. We never saw anything like that. The only bill that we’ve seen is the one that McConnell put together with […] James Lankford, and we voted it down because it was a disaster bill. It would have codified everything that they had done the last three years, and we obviously didn’t want that. But no, sometimes it sounds like she doesn’t know what’s going on or what has really happened. She hadn’t really studied it, but I’m telling you there has been nothing done about immigration in the last four years that the Biden-Harris administration even thought about stopping or trying to correct.”

KUDLOW: “That bill that she always refers to, which was an election year ploy, it wasn’t Trump who killed that bill. They were already a bunch of Republican senators who were against that bill. There are Democratic senators who are against that bill, probably for different reasons. And that bill would have allowed roughly—I’m gonna just do this in round numbers—that bill would have allowed roughly two million illegals coming in every year in that bill codified, and probably a bigger number because it didn’t include people being airlifted in the way they’ve been doing that. And so, over a period of four years, that would have been another eight to ten million illegals. So, what’s so great about that bill in the first place?”

TUBERVILLE: “Well, the one thing that really got me, Larry, just reading it, when I got to the point in the bill that says, ‘We […] continue to fund sanctuary cities.’ Game, set, match for me.”

KUDLOW: “Yeah.”

TUBERVILLE: “And then almost a thousand more lawyers that were being sent to the border to be able to enhance the release of immigrants into our country. It […] had nothing to do with stopping anything at the border. It was making it easier for them to come to the country and then funding them once they got here. We’re spending billions a month just keeping them in this country.”

KUDLOW: “Yeah. You know, sir, game, set, match on that sanctuary city stuff. Sanctuary cities, they will not be able to return criminals back to the border authorities to send them back home. That’s so important. You hit the nail in the head. That’s such an important point, which Trump keeps making if folks keep listening. Anyway, Senator Tommy Tuberville, we appreciate it, sir.”

Senator Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs, and HELP Committees.
