Energy & Environment

Since taking office, President Biden has imposed crushing regulations on American energy producers, as well as farmers and foresters, as part of his woke climate agenda. He has essentially eliminated domestic energy production, which has sent American jobs overseas and increased our reliance on foreign adversaries.

Alabama features an abundance of energy resources, including petroleum, coal, natural gas, nuclear, and hydropower. Our state ranks sixth nationally for natural gas energy production, fifth in nuclear power production, and sixth in hydroelectric production. Alabama’s three petroleum refineries—located in Mobile, Tuscaloosa, and Atmore—boast a combined processing capacity of about 142,000 barrels of crude oil per calendar day.

Alabama is also home to 23.1 million acres of forest land, adding over $27 billion annually in economic output to the state and employing thousands of Alabamians. Farmers, foresters, and producers are our original conservationists. They know nature is their business partner and they work to be good stewards of God’s creation. Unfortunately, under the Biden administration, our farmers and producers are being crushed by burdensome climate regulations that are stifling growth.

We can be both energy independent and environmentally-conscious. We need an all-of-the-above approach to energy production. Americans should be able to run their cars, heat their homes, and run their farms without interference from the federal government. That’s why I am fighting back against the Biden administration’s radical climate agenda, which has sent costs soaring and imposed burdensome regulations on our energy producers, farmers, and foresters.

Boosting Gulf Energy Production

Since taking office, the Biden administration has canceled offshore drilling contracts, delayed drilling permits, halted liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, and drained existing oil reserves. Energy production is especially important to states like ours that are along the Gulf of Mexico. Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas each receive a share of royalties from the oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico through the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA). This unique program is a vital part of our Gulf economy and I will continue fighting to make sure that our energy production continues to operate at its full potential.

  • I introduced the American Energy Independence Act of 2022, which would reverse President Biden’s shutdown of the American energy sector and boost Alabama’s energy production.
  • joined the Offshore Energy Security Act of 2023 to require the Department of the Interior (DOI) to hold two offshore oil and gas lease sales in 2024 and 2025 of at least 74 million acres each.
  • joined colleagues in demanding U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo quickly issue the permits required to bring additional production online from existing offshore federal oil and gas leases, following the administration’s unreasonable delay in doing so.

I successfully challenged the Biden administration over the disastrous Rice’s whale rule, which would have established a 28,000-square-mile protected habitat for the Rice’s whale within the Gulf of Mexico, despite a lack of evidence presenting the need for such a large area. The Biden administration’s proposed rule would have imposed severe restrictions on all vessel traffic, especially in and out of the Port of Mobile, and would have greatly inhibited oil and gas production within the Gulf of Mexico.

The Port of Mobile is the 11th largest port in the nation based on total tonnage, handling more than 55 million tons of international and domestic cargo annually. It provides nearly 313,000 jobs, and generates more than $85 billion in economic value to Alabama each year. I am committed to ensuring that the Port remains an economic powerhouse.

  • sent several letters to the Biden administration, citing the severe economic impacts the Rice’s whale proposed rule would have for Alabama businesses and the oil and gas industry along the Gulf. 
  • I helped introduce the Warding Off Hostile Administrative Lease Efforts (WHALE) Act to prevent the U.S. Department of Commerce and Department of the Interior from issuing maritime rules related to the Rice’s whale that would impede offshore energy development and military activities.
  • Following my efforts, the NOAA formally announced it denied one of the Biden administration’s Gulf-related regulations, which was a petition to establish a mandatory 10-knot speed limit and other vessel-related mitigation measures in the Gulf of Mexico. This is a step in the right direction, and I look forward to other regulations being removed.
  • I have written several op-eds explaining why this rule would be disastrous for the Gulf.

Lowering Costs

The Biden administration’s war on American energy shows how out-of-touch they are with the financial struggles many Americans are facing. As the administration continues to go after gas-powered stoves and attempts to mandate electric vehicles, costs for American families just keep going up. On top of that, the Biden administration’s burdensome environmental regulations and offshoring of American energy production has caused gas and energy prices to skyrocket. President Biden should be looking for ways to bring costs down—not drive them up.

  • I helped lead the effort to successfully overturn the Biden administration’s ban of certain gas furnaces, which would have forced a majority of Americans to either purchase new electric heat pumps or pay thousands of dollars in renovation costs for their heating systems.
  • I also helped lead the effort to successfully overturn the Biden administration’s rule to impose greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on state Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), which would have been disastrous for rural states like Alabama.
  • I’m fighting back against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rule that imposes unfeasible vehicle emissions standards for light and medium-duty vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles as part of the administration’s attempt to force Americans to buy expensive Electric Vehicles (EVs).
    • Read my letter demanding the Biden administration withdraw its EV mandate here.
  • joined legislation to abolish the Natural Gas Tax under the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” that gives the EPA more authority to snoop on companies’ methane emissions and tax those companies that are over the arbitrary limit.

Restoring American Energy Independence

I support an “all-of-the-above” approach to American energy, including increasing the use of environmentally-safe and affordable nuclear energy.

  • I’ve called on President Biden to ramp up oil drilling in the United States.
  • I’ve spoken on the Senate floor about the importance of the United States embracing nuclear energy.
  • questioned Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm about why the Department is imposing burdensome regulations that are delaying the nuclear plant building process.
    • “If we’re looking to build a nuclear plant – just the [environmental] review is lasting four to seven years. We should probably take about one to two years. If we’re gonna combat China, if we’re gonna build a new power grid, Secretary, do you see the average timeline to complete these environmental studies as normal?” WATCH here.
  • I introduced the Thorium Energy Security Act to prevent the destruction of Uranium 233 (U-233), a critical element used to produce clean energy.
  • visited the Farley Nuclear Plant for a behind-the-scenes tour of how they are creating affordable, reliable energy at home in Alabama.

Stewarding Our Resources

No one cares more about protecting our land than our farmers, foresters, and producers. Unfortunately, many are being weighed down by unrealistic and unworkable climate regulations by the Biden administration. In order for farmers to continue leading the way in innovation and protection of our valuable natural resources, we need to get government out of the way and allow farmers to do their jobs.

  • pushed back against the EPA’s unreasonable air quality standards and helped introduce a resolution of disapproval against the EPA’s overreaching rule. 
  • I also expressed concerns to U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai about the European Union’s Deforestation-Free Regulation (EUDR), which would impose costly reporting requirements for American companies in the forest products industry that export to the European Union (EU) and serve as a barrier to international business. 
  • I have continued to push back on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) unprecedented attempt to place unworkable climate disclosures on our agriculture community.
    • “This substantial reporting requirement would significantly burden small, family-owned farms with a new, complex and unreasonable compliance requirement, resulting in costly additional compliance expenses, reduced access to new business opportunities, and potential consolidation in the agriculture industry,” we wrote. “It is entirely possible for instance, that these reporting requirements could force producers to track and disclose granular on-farm data regarding individual operations and day-to-day activities in order to stay compliant with the companies that purchase their products.”
    • In early 2024, I helped introduce a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) radical climate disclosure

Cutting Red Tape

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) develops and enforces environmental regulations, which can often place burdensome requirements on farmers that stifle productivityI’m fighting back to ensure that doesn’t happen, because our farmers, ranchers, and agriculture producers already feel enough pressure without battling government overreach from Washington.

  • joined my colleagues in a letter to push back against EPA overreach of “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) regulations to ensure stakeholders are not bogged down with burdensome red tape.
    • “Given the severe financial penalties stakeholders could face for conducting standard agricultural or other land development practices under the proposed rule, family farmers and ranchers are understandably alarmed by the administration’s attempted land grab,” my colleagues and I wrote. 
  • I also urged the EPA to maintain an exemption of air emissions from animal waste at farms under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).

Preserving Alabama's Historic Landmarks

Preserving and promoting our state’s history and rural cultural sites is of top importance to me. That is why I sponsored two pieces of legislation to reauthorize an existing National Heritage Area (NHA) and authorize a new NHA in Alabama.

  • Alabama’s rural communities are home to many key cultural sites that not only tell the story of our state, but also of our nation. It is important we preserve our history for future generations. One way we do this is through the creation of National Heritage Areas (NHAs)— partnerships between the National Park Service, state, and local entities to protect and support conservation and public access.
  • introduced legislation to reauthorize Alabama’s first NHA, the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area, and to create a new National Heritage Area in Alabama’s Black Belt Region. President Biden signed both of these bills into law on January 6, 2023, as part of the National Heritage Area Act
    • There are currently 62 NHAs in the United States, and Alabama is now home to two.