Tuberville In the News: Yellowhammer: Tuberville takes picture of Biden ‘asleep’ during D-Day ceremony

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) blasted President Joe Biden Thursday for being an “EMBARRASSMENT” for America at the WWII memorial ceremony in France.

The senator was a part of a bipartisan Congressional delegation traveling to Normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day allied invasion in the war.

Tuberville posted a picture of the president on X and said he looked “practically ASLEEP.”

“I took this photo of [Joe Biden] practically ASLEEP during a ceremony honoring our WWII heroes,” Tuberville said. “Joe Biden continues to be an EMBARRASSMENT to our country.”

There has been a lot of speculation of Biden’s mental and physical decline, including a piece in The Wall Street Journal detailing the president’s “slipping” behind closed doors.

Tuberville also criticized part of Biden’s speech during the ceremony where he talked about how many Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine.

“He turned a speech honoring HEROES into a Ukraine pep rally,” Tuberville said, “bragging about body counts.”

Before the trip, Tuberville said he was “honored” to be joining his colleagues in Normandy to mark the occasion.

“I am honored to join my colleagues in honoring the brave soldiers who lost their lives on the beaches of Normandy 80 years ago,” he said. “It has always been a bucket list item for me to see the beaches where young adults, like my father, heroically fought for our freedom. May we never forget their sacrifices and honor them by making sure our children know the truth about the freedoms that make America so great.”

Tuberville’s father, Charles Tuberville, participated in the battle as a member of the U.S. Army. The senior Tuberville landed and fought on Utah beach on June 6, 1944 as the driver of a tank.