“America’s peace and security is guaranteed by the strength of our armed forces, and Alabama’s importance to our national defense capabilities cannot be overstated.”
WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) was appointed to three subcommittees on the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) that are crucial to America’s security and Alabama’s defense industry: Seapower; Readiness and Management Support; and Strategic Forces.
“America’s peace and security is guaranteed by the strength of our armed forces, and Alabama’s importance to our national defense capabilities cannot be overstated,” said Senator Tuberville. “My focus in Washington is to make sure we have the strongest military force in the world. Seapower, Readiness, and Strategic Forces were my top three choices due to their vital role in deterring conflict. I am proud to represent Alabama and all Americans on those subcommittees.”
Subcommittee on Seapower:
As a new member of the Subcommittee on Seapower, Senator Tuberville will continue his work to restore America’s naval superiority and promote Alabama’s shipbuilding and maritime industries. As Senator Tuberville has warned, we must stop shrinking the U.S. Navy, which is the country’s smallest fleet since 1917. The United States Constitution charged Congress to provide and maintain a Navy, which our founders saw as critical to the nation’s economic power and the freedoms we enjoy. Senator Tuberville is honored to fulfill this vital duty on Seapower.
- Responsibilities: Navy planning and operations policy and programs (less nuclear weapons, space, cyber, and special operations); and Marine Corps planning and operations policy and programs (less space, cyber, and special operations).
- Special additional areas: Maritime issues.
- Oversight of budget accounts: Navy and Marine Corps procurement and RDT&E; National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund; and National Defense Sealift Fund (less technology base, space, cyber, nuclear weapons, special operations, and ammunition).
Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support:
Senator Tuberville has vocally pressed the Biden administration to address the military’s ongoing recruitment shortfall and invest in procurement to combat any enemy. As a member of the Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Senator Tuberville will continue to fight for preparedness by restoring our weapons stockpile and investing in new technologies to maintain America’s advanced arsenal.
- Responsibilities: Military readiness including training, logistics, and maintenance; military construction; housing construction and privatization; contracting and acquisition policy; business and financial management; base realignment and closure; and defense energy and environmental programs.
- Special additional areas: Conventional ammunition procurement; RDT&E infrastructure; National Defense Stockpile; defense industrial and technology base policies; facility and housing maintenance and repair; land and property management; information technology management policy (excluding cyber); and industrial operations, including depots, shipyards, arsenals, and ammunition plants.
- Oversight of budget accounts: Operation and maintenance; RDT&E support programs; conventional ammunition procurement; military construction and family housing; base realignment and closure; working capital funds; the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund.
- Oversight of DOD offices: Undersecretary of Defense (Acquisition and Sustainment); Assistant Secretary of Defense (Sustainment); Assistant Secretary of Defense (Energy, Installations, and Environment); Department of Defense Chief Management Officer; and the Chief Management Officers of the military departments.
- Oversight of DOD agencies and commands: U.S. Transportation Command; Defense Logistics Agency; Defense Finance and Accounting Service; Defense Investigative Service; Defense Contract Audit Agency; DOD Inspector General.
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces:
Since the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces has jurisdiction over U.S. Space Command (SPACECOM), retaining his role on this subcommittee was one of Senator Tuberville’s top priorities. Senator Tuberville has led calls for the U.S. Air Force to act on its recommendation to place SPACECOM at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, and he is well-positioned to lead the entire Alabama delegation in supporting a smooth transition. This subcommittee also oversees America’s Missile Defense Agency, a responsibility Senator Tuberville will leverage to protect every American.
- Responsibilities: Nuclear and strategic forces; arms control and non-proliferation programs; space programs; Department of Energy defense nuclear, and defense environmental management programs; and ballistic missile defense.
- Oversight of budget accounts: Procurement and RDT&E for DOD nuclear and strategic forces, missile defense, space systems, Department of Energy defense and non-proliferation programs.
- Oversight of DOD and DOE officials: Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs; National Nuclear Security Administration; and Assistant Secretary of Energy (Environmental Management).
- Oversight of agencies, commands, and activities: U.S. Strategic Command; U.S. Space Command, U.S. Space Force as well as other components of the military departments; Space Development Agency; Missile Defense Agency; National Nuclear Security Administration; Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board; and Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
Senator Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs, and HELP Committees.